Your score falls in the range of 534-800.

You Are Financially Healthy

About 70 million Americans (28%) are considered Financially Healthy. These individuals are spending, saving, borrowing and planning in a way that will allow them to be resilient and pursue opportunities over time.


1. Spend less than your income
2. Pay all of your bills on time
3. Have enough savings to cover at least six months of living expenses
4. Are on track to meet your long-term financial goals
5. Have manageable debt (or no debt at all)
6. Have prime credit scores
7. Are confident about your asset protection
8. Plan ahead financially

Now is the time to start building and preserving your wealth. We recommend the UIG Security Plan and UIG Freedom Plan in order to protect your assets and ensure you’re on track to meet your longterm financial goals.

I’ve been able to pay down my debt and represent a company that’s doing something truly meaningful– helping people with their finances.


Dallas, TX

I’ve been able to find “my tribe” because with Umbrella you’re joining an incredible, motivational, inspirational community of people all working toward a common goal of improving financial health for all.


Miami, FL

I’ve finally been able to travel the way I’ve always dreamed of after learning how to take control of my spending and budgeting thanks to the Umbrella system. I always end up talking about Umbrella to my friends and family so it was a no-brainer to become an agent. And now the extra income goes toward my travel savings account!


Phoenix, AZ


1162 W Pioneer
Arlington, TX 76013

Toll Free: 888-416-2797
Local: 817-652-8000

Email: i[email protected]